Project 1
Movie Poster
In this project, we were tasked to create a movie poster to develop freehand drawing skills through combination of self-expression, natural and man-made object drawing, architectural lettering, tonal values and rendering. We were to develop skills in colouring using watercolour or any colouring medium and choosing the right colour palette to capture the essence and express the genre of the film.
This project was especially fun for me as I was able to create a poster for my own movie using skills I have acquired during previous tutorial exercises. My tutor is Mr Adib and he is very helpful, he often suggests me ways to improve my design. Dr Lia is the module coordinator, she always has this cheerful personality which makes me like the subject more and she is very considerate.
This story is about the hidden worlds behind the walls where humans were just able to discover them after an earthquake and the new creatures in the hidden worlds.
Movie Poster Drafts​
These are my drafts where i jot down my ideas before finalising for the actual design.