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Project 2A

The Discovery Center (Genius Loci) - Site Analysis, Site Response and Design Concept

Society, culture, history, memory and the landscape of a particular place echoes the meaning of that ‘place’, or
its ‘genius loci’. These qualities will inform the architectural concept and generators for Project 2 as the aim of the project is to
design a Discovery Center for Tanjung Tuan Recreational Forest. The project design brief calls for an
architectural response toward the sense of place with a strong engagement and relationship to the site and programmatic
requirements. The “study area” for Project 2 is Tanjung Tuan Recreational Forest and the specific area for the building proposal will be at Pantai Lagun Biru or Blue Lagoon.




In our tutorial groups which involves 15 or 16 people, we were needed to distribute the given tasks wisely to carry out
the site analysis. The aim is to extract the tangible and intangible elements of the site to develop guidelines on how to design the Tanjung Tuan Recreational Forest Discovery Center with the site conditions.

Presentation slides

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